Hospo CheckIn: David Moyle

I first met chef David Moyle when I was very pregnant with my daughter – who will turn 18 in a few months  – and he was an apprentice chef.  I’ve loved following his career.  He’s still involved in award-winning restaurant, Franklin in Hobart – where he is currently in isolation – so, I thought let’s check in with my mate, Dave. 

1. Hey Dave, you’re in lockdown in Tassie, what’s the update from there ? 

I’ve been in lockdown since the 16th March down in Hobart. I guess here is a pretty good place to be in this situation!  It’s such an interesting time as the understandable response from hospitality has been to try and keep going. Reshaping offerings and trying to provide hospitality remotely. It’s so unique when such a big element in this industry is community and we can’t just get together to talk through the problems. Unless you are engaged with existing online to attract new customers it is near impossible to continue and communicate. Watch this space I guess

2. Besides the obvious, what is frustrating you most about the situation we’re all in? 

My biggest frustrations are selfish. I want to go out Bush. I’m already pretty comfortable with social distancing but I do wish we could interact with the outdoors more. It is so difficult to just sit still and ponder how much of our world has been compromised and try to project for what’s to come. Also simultaneously frustrating and alarming seeing some people’s response to this situation with hoarding and complete disregard for those that are more vulnerable with health.

3. How are you and your people? 

There have been some really interesting initiatives come from this. A group has formed in Tasmania called the apocalypse eating association Tasmania (a.e.a.t) which started a little tongue in cheek and is turning into a platform to hopefully help keep the wheels turning, continued local produce distribution and work for those that can’t get benefits etc. I’m very proud of how the industry is responding. There are people in very difficult circumstances but the support that everybody is showing is extraordinary. The houseparty apps and whatsapp groups are bringing new dynamics that are pretty funny with lighthearted banter doing its best to soften things. Comedy works well in tragedy. 


Interview: April 12

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